Monday, December 17, 2012

Spectacular Weekend!

As I have talked about the last two weeks, this weekend was Christmas Spectacular at church. I was there for five services...about 10 hours in total and boy are my feet tired. But it truly was a wonderful experience. 266 people accepted Jesus into their lives (that's a pretty big return I would say). Here's a few photos that I took off the Journeychurch website.

This is the band performing. So many instruments.

Just one of the food tables. The red and green cookies were delicious.

This is a view of the lobby Friday night.

Whitney had her picture taken with RemoteKontrol afterwards. 

There were lots of people taking video of this group. They are pretty spectacular.

I can't wait to see what next year's spectacular brings. How do you top this?


  1. Looks like an amazing time! Your church must be HUGE to do that!

  2. I really dont know HOW you'd top it...

    I'd only say if Steven Curtis Chapman was there :)
