Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Washington DC

While I have been spending a lot of time in meetings, I've also had a little bit of time for myself.

Like last night I ordered room service. I've only done this one other time so it was pretty cool, at least for me.

Then at lunch we had this lovely plated dessert. We've had quite a variety of desserts and this one was very pretty.

And then after the sessions were over today, a couple of us walked to the White House. I've been there a few times before but the people I was with hadn't, so it is always interesting to hear their comments.

Self portrait - not my best look

The extensive protest outside the White House

Finally some fall colors


  1. Is that champagne I spy with your sandwich? Yummy! I love roomservice, especially at Embassy Suites.

    Glad you had a good time visiting our part of the world - you sure did have beautiful weather for it. Have a safe trip home.

  2. I always think that it's funny that the biggest protest location never has the biggest protest.

