Friday, August 12, 2011

My Dance Crush

Well my favorite summer show (So You Think You Can Dance) just ended. I believe the right person one. But I was just happy that on Wednesday night's show my favorite dancer got to come back as an "All-Star". Mark Kanemura Oh my, what a wonderful dancer. He can do quirky and focused and strong. And he has only gotten better since Lady Gaga picked him to be her lead dancer. I watch her videos just for glimpses of him.

Unfortunately the season he was on as a contestant he wasn't my favorite. It happened last year when he was an all-star. I loved everything he did. I watched him instead of the contestant (that did seem to happen a lot with all the all-stars). And if you put him in a Sonya Tayeh routine, just stop doing everything and watch.

Now that I have that out of my system, maybe I can work. Happy Friday


  1. I'm glad Melanie won - she's been my favorite since the very beginning. Plus I love that she's strong and muscular and not waif-like.

    Mark! I love him too! He's so...different and quirky.

  2. I had never gotten into this show before...and've ruined me, Tracy, RUINED Me. I need to see more. :)

    have a great weekend!!

  3. I love SYTYCD!!! Unfortunately, I am not caught up on my DVR list yet, and a comment gave away the winner, but oh well, I still enjoy watching it. It is amazing - the art, the creativity of it. Moving.
