Friday, September 16, 2011

I Work With A Great Bunch of People

Today reaffirmed that I really do work with great people. Every year we are lucky (and I do mean lucky) to participate in the United Way Day of Caring. There is usually about 25-30 people from the weather people I work with who go to a local non-profit and put in a day of work. We've painted, cleaned, cut down trees and various other activities. But today we got to go to a facility that works with disabled children and put on a carnival. It was a rainy day (the first in months) so we had to be indoors. And it didn't take too long to set up. So my co-workers decided to play the games themselves. It was rather entertaining to see grown men throwing bean bags and getting face tattoos.
Had to make sure they knew how to apply a tattoo - Scooby Doo
Throwing a ball around the room
At the end of the day, these grown men decided that they needed to go down the slide...a two story corkscrew slide. It had to be the funniest thing of the day. A couple of them tried to come down head first and would get stuck in the corkscrew. Then when they got unstuck, the went so fast they fell on the floor.
The slide before the guys went down
We even made sand art
The people I work with have kind and giving hearts. They tried to make the day extra-special for the kids.


  1. What a great day for the kids AND adults!! Love it!

  2. Sounds like a fabulous day! And you are right - you guys are great people. How fun.

  3. Such a wonderful thing to do! I know the kids had almost as much fun as the adults. LOL

  4. Looks like a fun day, that is really nice of your company to allow you the time to work in the community.
